The Scoop on Vitamins For Hair Loss
The Scoop on Vitamins For Hair Loss : When faced with hair loss, people often ask what vitamins they can take to rejuvenate their hair. Is there a credible role for vitamins for hair loss management. According to Dr. U, vitamins work as co-enzymes to help facilitate a variety of processes within the body. Therefore, they are not directly responsible for new growth. But nonetheless they contribute to the health of your hair follicles.

The Scoop on Vitamins For Hair Loss
(image- Creative Commons)
Vitamins & nutrition can help set the stage for hair health and growth. But they are not hair loss treatments in and of themselves*

When we are deficient in the nutrients we need, our bodies will allocate available energy and resources towards areas that are more important for survival. Therefore, the follicles can become depleted. And this helps explain why hair becomes dry and brittle due to poor nutrition.

Also, reduced nutrition creates a state of imbalance stress within the body. Follicles may react by entering a resting state known as telogen effluvium to help conserve resources. Hair shafts then fall out within three to four months.

The Scoop on Vitamins For Hair Loss : General Information on Vitamins

Vitamins are small organic molecules. They are used by our bodies to help certain biochemical reactions take place. The only vitamin that our bodies can manufacture is Vitamin D. All the others (at least 13) need to be consumed from food sources.

The Scoop on Vitamins For Hair Loss : Vitamins Needed For Hair Loss

(1) Vitamin C

Vitamin C is involved in the production of collagen. It plays a key role in processes that help manufacture and repair tissues which include those that make up the hair follicles.

Vitamin C also works as an antioxidant. Free radical damage can undermine the strength and overall health of the follicles, contributing to their decline. Antioxidants help to neutralize these compounds which can help manage and prevent hair loss.

Vitamin C is water soluble. Therefore, excess amounts will be flushed out of the body. And regular intake of the vitamin will be important.

(2) B Complex Vitamins

Many of the enzymes produced by our body have B vitamins embedded within their structure. Without these vitamins, the enzymes can’t function.

B complex vitamins are actually a group of eight B vitamins. This includes B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12.

B1 (Thymine) is involved in making new cells. Good sources of B1 include legumes, spinach, asparagus, rice, beans)

B2 (Riboflavin) is for producing red blood cells and working as an antioxidant. Vitamin B2 is found abundantly in eggs, yogurt, cheese, nuts, brocoli

B3 (Niacin)  facilitates blood circulation and turns carbohydrates into energy. Excellent sources of B3 include pasta, whole wheat, salmon and fish.

B5 (Panthothenic Acid) acts as a humectant and contributes to the water content of hair. also turns food into energy. Great food sources for vitamin B5 include: Shiitake mushrooms, eggs, sunflower seeds, sweet potatoes, avocados.

B6 (Pyridoxine) helps form hemoglobin in the blood. Hemoglobin carries oxygen to the follicles which can help strengthen follicles and prevent hair loss. Also allows the body to derive energy from carbohydrates and protein. Vitamin B6 can be found in bananas, potatos, fish, starchy vegetables and non-citrus fruits.

B7 (Biotin) aids in rebuilding the microscopic tile-like structures on the outer surface of the hair shafts. Try consuming more of these types of foods to boost your supply of B7: avocados, nuts, carrots cauliflower, eggs)

B9 (Folate)is used to create protein structures from amino acids. Folate is contained in foods like black eyed peas, spinach, mango, oranges

B12 (Cobalamaine) Used by the cells of the hair follicles to replicate properly and to produce new shafts. Tofu, bran, eggs, swiss cheese are great sources of B12.

B Vitamins are also water soluble.

(3) Vitamin A  has antioxidants that keeps the scalp moisturized and prevents dryness of the hair. It also plays a role in thickening and strengthening the shafts.  Too much of this vitamin, however, can be detrimental. Natural food sources of Vitamin A include: milk, yolk of eggs, liver, sweet potatoes, carrots, mangoes, spinach and dried apricots.

This vitamin can be stored by the body in the liver for up to a year.

The Scoop on Vitamins For Hair Loss : Why Natural  Vitamin Sources Are Best

Although supplements can be taken to help replenish vitamin deficiencies, Dr. U recommends the intake of natural food sources which have other biochemical components that help the body optimize the intake use of these nutrients.  This helps create a more seamless integration with the balance of our entire system.

Manufactured supplements often contain just the active compound. Although they are available over the counter, hair loss patients may still want to ask their doctor about the best usage of supplements for their needs.

A physician would be able to assess and understand the unique conditions of each individual’s physiology and make specific recommendations for both heath and hair restorative purposes.

Treatment of hair loss should ideally include a comprehensive set of interventions. As mentioned throughout many of our previous posts, determining the causal factors would be the starting point. Sometimes there is a single variable responsible for a person’s particular hair loss condition. And it may be possible to address this factor to experience excellence  regrowth.  For others, a hair transplantation may be something to consider.

The Scoop on Vitamins For Hair Loss : Tips For Developing Consistency

Good nutrition is something that requires a long term commitment.  Therefore, consistency is essential for reaping the benefits of vitamins for hair loss conditions as well as the rest of the body. Yet developing new habits can be a challenge for many people.

Here are some tips to help you stay on track so that you can reap the benefits of quality nutrition.

(1) Team up with a friend

Find a friend or family member who also wants to create more positive dietary changes in their lifestyle. With the help of another person, you may feel more inspired to set goals together and help each other stay motivated.

 (2) Look for ways to make healthy foods more appealing to you.

As an example, broccoli and spinach are rich in B vitamins which can benefit  not only your hair but also skin and overall health. Most people don’t consider them to be very exciting food choices. Therefore, consider alternate ways of preparing these types of foods. For example, search for images on Google that catch your eye. Likewise, search for interesting recipes on Pinterest and similar sites as well.

The experience of preparing your food in new and exciting ways can be a rather easy and fun  way to make healthy eating a regular habit.

(3) Explore apps which not only enable you to log in your meals, but also have gamified features that encourage you to make this a regular activity. Find which system best works with your overall lifestyle.

Quality nutrition can provide a strong foundation of health to support your overall hair loss treatment goals, according to Dr. U. Natural food sources are a great source of vitamins that can benefit the hair and other areas of the body. But if supplements are desired, double check with your doctor to see what dosages are most appropriate for your individual needs.

Although the core cause of hair loss is genetics for many people, environmental factors like diet can affect how fast balding or thinning occurs. As a final note, here is Dr. U on Medical Health Journal discussing the effects of genes as well as hair loss rates.

All information contained within this site is for reference purposes only. You must consult and follow the directions of your physician and licensed health care professionals. Natural products have not been evaluated or approved by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any health condition or disease.

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Read more about vitamins for hair growth in this external resource:

Nutritional Supplements For Hair Growth


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