Which Vitamins Help Stop Hair Loss?
Which Vitamins Help Stop Hair Loss : The most common cause of hair loss is androgenic alopecia, or pattern hair loss.

Which Vitamins Help Stop Hair Loss
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Vitamins benefit many areas of the body’s health, including the functioning of the follicles.

The right vitamins might help deter this initially. But due to its genetic sources, hair loss caused by androgenic alopecia will later have to be stopped with medication or hair transplantation. Vitamins, however, can help stop hair loss when it arises for other reasons. Other reasons people experience hair loss are:

  • Emotional stress
  • Sleep deprivation
  • Poor diet
  • Aging
  • Drug abuse
  • Pregnancy
  • Infections
  • Bad blood circulation

A daily multivitamin containing vitamin B, iron, zinc, and folic acid would be a good start in preventing hair loss. The latest studies suggest that vitamins A, C, D and E may also be beneficial in helping reverse hair loss.

How Do These Vitamins Help Prevent Hair Loss?

The major underlying source of hair loss in the above-listed reasons is nutritional deficiency. In the case of a poor diet, the body is not ingesting sufficient iron or calcium that hair needs in order to grow and stay healthy. In the case of bad blood circulation, the body may be consuming a healthy diet, but the blood is unable to carry required nutrients to the hair follicles. Hair loss is a result.


Iron is a mineral, and largely responsible for the body’s production of hemoglobin, which oxygenates red blood cells and then carries oxygen within those red blood cells. Since normal bodily functioning—including hair growth—cannot happen without oxygen, recommended iron intake will play a role in reversing hair loss.


Zinc, also a mineral, helps prevent hair loss by regulating hormones, helping build cells, and promoting the absorption of other nutrients.


Which Vitamins Help Stop Hair Loss


Folic Acid

Folic acid assists the performance of the nervous system by creating seratonin and norepinephrine. It also aids the functioning of cell division and cell activity, which affects healthy hair. A deficiency in folic acid can result in hair loss.

Vitamin B

B vitamins, especially vitamin B12, help stop hair loss by assisting the body with stress control. Foods containing B12, like dairy and poultry, have a strong correlation to hair growth.

Vitamins A, C, D, and E

  • Vitamin A regulates the creation of retinoic acid, which in turn stimulates the hair follicle, causing hair growth.
  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant that helps the body absorb nutrients like iron. Taking vitamin C supplements or eating vitamin C fruits and vegetables is important, as the body does not manufacture vitamin C on its own.
  • A major source of vitamin D is the sun. Vitamin D stimulates the follicle and the cells that comprise the shaft.
  • Vitamin E builds capillaries in different parts of the body, which helps blood flow to reach the scalp.

If vitamins alone are not sufficient to put an end to your hair loss, or if you suffer from androgenic alopecia, there are other hair restoration options. The DermHair Clinic of Los Angeles is available at all times for a free online consultation.

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