Wayne Rooney’s Follicular Unit Extraction Hair Transplant Procedure
Wayne Rooney’s Follicular Unit Extraction: Wayne Rooney is a world renowned soccer player who plays as a forward for the Manchester United Club.  Many people also recognize him on ads by Nike and images from EA sports.  So little wonder the subject of his hair transplant gathered a lot of press. Wayne Rooney’s Follicular Unit Extraction has been the subject of speculation as to who did it, how successful it was etc. But it has also brought awareness to the new method of hair transplantation that is Follicular Unit Extraction, helping to drive the demand for this type of surgery since his transplant results became public.

On June 4, 2011 He announced on Twitter, “ Just to confirm to all my followers I have had a hair transplant. I was going bald at 25 why not. I am delighted with the result.” He also posted this picture of his immediate results.

Wayne Rooney's Follicular Unit Extraction Hair Transplant Procedure
Image courtesy of Wayne Rooney via Twitter

According to the Sun, clinics have reported a 25% increase in the number of comparable procedures performed on men younger than 35.

Wayne Rooney’s  Follicular unit Extraction Revealed In His Book

Rooney wrote an autobiography entitled “Wayne Rooney, My Decade In the Premier League” (2012). He speaks very candidly about his hair transplant experience. One of the main reasons he decided to go through with it was due to the constant teasing by members of his team. They called him Bobby Charlton, another great English soccer player who is now bald at age 75.

In his book, he writes:

“When I get back for pre-season training, I shower, get dressed, and when I look in the mirror, I have a full head of hair for the first time in years.

It’s a transplant, bits of hair taken from the back of my head and surgically stuck to the front.

Despite the comments in a few magazines and the jokes from mates, I think it looks alright.”

What Is Follicular Unit Extraction?

Follicular Unit Extraction is a hair transplant technique. As the very name suggests, follicular units (natural occurring groupings of 1-4 hairs) are extracted. They are then inserted into surgical slits created in bald regions of the head.

FUE is offered as newer option to strip surgery. In strip procedures, a linear piece of scalp tissue is excised from “donor safe” regions on the back of the head.  Follicles are harvested from this strip and inserted into the target bald areas.

A permanent linear scar results from strip surgery. But in Follicular Unit Extraction, small round wounds result instead which heal within a relatively short frame of time.  Most men opt for FUE because there is no scar to hide. Therefore they can wear their hair as short as they want. Wayne Rooney’s Follicular Unit Extraction type hair transplant occurred thus in the player’s attempt to regain his hair while still retaining his ability to keep a short sports friendly hair cut without risking the exposure of a linear scar if he had resorted to follicular unit strip surgery – FUSS instead.

Wayne Rooney’s Hair Transplant Results

Around December of 2011, after he tweeted his announcement about his hair transplant procedure, the media started making comments that his results seemed to be wearing off.  Pictures of Rooney around this time showed a little bit of hair loss around the hairline and temple regions.

However, full results can take up to around 12 months to become apparent. Nonetheless,  overall growth of Wayne Rooney’s Follicular Unit Extraction beyond this point seemed to have flourished quite well. And he is often cited as an example of one of the best celebrity hair transplant results.

It is not uncommon for younger men in their twenties to undergo hair transplant procedures. Here is a DHC patient who received 6100 uGrafts of head, beard and body hair to improve upon the results of his previous FUE hair transplant. Read more

See video of one of Dr U’s follicular unit extraction hair transplant celebrity patients here.

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