Wayne Rooney Starts Hair Transplant Recovery
Wayne Rooney’s Second FUE Hair Restoration Procedure
About a month ago,  headlines in the media spoke about David Rooney’s second hair transplant procedure. He underwent his first surgery about two years ago in 2011. Many people recall the photos he tweeted of himself when when he announced this to all his followers.

Wayne Rooney's FUE Hair Restoration Procedure
Wayne Rooney tweeted this photo after his first FUE hair transplant procedure

Here is a video showing this initial treatment.

Over time, as his results continued to develop, it was clear that his procedure created a very  positive transformation in his appearance. And many men started inquiring about Follicular Unit Extraction as a result.

A Background on FUE

Hair transplants work by taking active, growing follicles from one region of the patient and inserting them into areas affected by baldness.  Follicular Unit Extraction is a method for harvesting these grafts. It involves the use of punch tools with tiny diameters to remove natural groupings of 1-4 hair follicles. These are known as follicular units.

These donor grafts are then inserted into slits created by the doctor.  With this technique, hair can be taken from anywhere on the head. And through the use of uGraft,  a methodology which includes advanced and specialized punch tools, FUE can also be performed to acquire follicles from the body.

In the end, patients are left with very small round wounds that heal in a matter of weeks.  This is an improvement from an older method known as strip surgery which leaves a linear scar on the scalp from the donor harvesting phase.

Why is A Second Hair Transplant Needed?

Just two years after his first surgery, Wayne underwent a second hair restoration procedure. The results of a hair transplant are permanent. So it wasn’t the case that his grafts fell out.

However, an additional hair transplant may be needed if the patient’s original hair continues to recede.  On the show Embarrassing Bodies,  his doctor stated that Wayne’s natural hair around the back of his head and the crown continued to lose hair.

Choosing to undergo a hair transplant before your baldness has reached a stable state is a risk. You may develop additional bald spots after your first procedure.

Therefore, if you are thinking about undergoing a hair restoration, timing is something to discuss with your surgeon.

To learn more about additional questions that helpful to discuss with a doctor during the initial consultation, click here.

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