Hairpiece Problems Solved for Los Angeles Patients : Androgenic alopecia, or, more commonly, male pattern baldness, is a widespread hair loss condition. It affects more than 35 million men in the United States, too often starting as early as 20, or even 18 years old. And while it has nearly become an expectation for a man’s hairline to recede by a certain age, and for the crown to begin going thin, lesser known is the anxiety, lowered self-esteem, and even depression he may suffer. Worse yet, is a botched hair transplant surgery that leaves him scarred and disfigured.
A hairpiece may serve as a transitory reprieve, but will prove grossly inadequate as a long-term solution; and could perhaps even exacerbate certain situations. Any person dependent upon a hairpiece for a sense of cosmetic tranquility will be undoubtedly plagued by the following concerns and frustrations:
In-authenticity. Feeling unfeigned while wearing a toupee would prove difficult. Each time you look in the mirror, you would have to face the fact that what other people see is not entirely real.
Daily hassle. A routine that starts, day in and day out, with the confidence-dampening ritual of applying your hairpiece.
Honesty and intimacy. Whenever there is a new person in your life, finding the moment of truth will come into question, and will likely cause stress. Especially in a new romantic relationship, wherein you’ve found a compatible partner whose interest in you may be largely founded on what he or she sees: in part, the impression of a full head of hair. With inevitable closeness and intimacy comes a dreaded moment when the object of your affection caresses your hair. It is natural to worry about when to tell the truth and whether or not this person will still like you afterward.
Adverse weather conditions or strenuous activity. Avoiding rainy and/or windy days, partaking in sports, swimming, etc. will limit your life, as you plan in evasion of such things. Simple errands or social events that expose you to the risk of these elements may force you into seclusion, lest your hairpiece become embarrassingly displaced.
Paranoia. Constantly wondering who has detected your use of a toupee will cause anxiety, diminished confidence, and avoidance of social settings both personally and professionally.
A hairpiece is almost always detectable upon close examination. Many factors cause detection:
Lack of natural growth along the hairline. The sudden, aggressive emergence of a toupee gives a “pasted on” appearance.
In advanced hair loss, the lack of hair along the temple points would make for a very soft hairline. Thus, a hairpiece with the advanced hairline of an NW 1-2, but with the temple points fitted for an NW 5-6 would create an unnatural look and would lead the casual on-looker to detect an abnormality.
Color mismatch. The toupee color is not likely to blend flawlessly with your real hair.
Line of demarcation. Often times there is a line of separation between the hairpiece hair and the real hair that most people can see.
Wind, rain, and swimming may lift or displace the hairpiece.
Thanks to Dr. Umar and his uGraft method of advanced follicular unit extraction (FUE), the toupee is a thing of the past. Whether you suffer from severe hair loss or the devastating effect of a botched hair surgery, the future might just be brighter. Throw away the shackles of your toupee and experience the joy and freedom of a real, permanent, youthful head of hair!
Here is a follow up video of one of the patients above who used to wear a hairpiece. He had his second FUE hair transplant performed by Dr. Umar. Click here to see the results.